Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Postt #7 English 102 Review

As the course of English 102 comes to an end for this summer semester I have learned a great amount of information. From new forms of technology, such as Blogger, and how to post videos, I have learned a huge amount of new and useful things. Learning the difference between summary and analysis has also been completely new to me this semester. Before now I have never really gone over analysis, and had no idea it was so important. I have come to fact that it is indeed a very important thing to learn, and to know about. I now know that summary of something compared to an analysis of something are completely different things. Another thing that I have learned about in this class is a little more on work citing, and the facts and rules of plagiarism. It will be good to know these new things throughout my college experience, and life. The readings in this class have informed me greatly on the different wars, and the emotions, and experiences that our veterans have gone through. I have greatly enjoyed learning new things from all of the great stories from Huze, and O’Brien. Throughout this semester my writing process has changed by becoming more per say “serious“, compared to other essays I‘ve done in recent English classes because I am more knowledgeable in many areas of English writing skills. Some challenges I have faced in the class, first of all was that it was on a very fast pace schedule due to the summer. Besides the fast moving pace, I didn’t really struggle too much on a lot of other things. There were some challenges in finding sources for some of the papers and learning new things, such as poetry of witness. I’m happy I took this class, and feel that it was a very good choice. J

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Blg Post # 5

The Man I Killed
“ His jaw was in his throat, his upper lip and teeth were gone, his one eye was shut, his other eye was a star-shaped hole, his brows were thin and arched like a woman’s, his nose was undamaged, there was a slight tear at the lobe of one ear, his clean black hair was swept upward into a cowlick at the rear of the skull, his forehead was lightly freckled….” (O’Brien, page 118)


Reading this passage was very powerful and emotional to me, not only did I want to gag half way through, but I could imagine standing there being in O’Brien’s shoes; looking at this horrific scene, thinking who was this person, and how was his life before he died? This passage is important because it contributes to the gory and horrifying part of the story that everyone wishes isn’t there. The writer has a story to tell us, he wants to and needs to express every mental image he has from the time. This passage projects tons of imagery, it keeps you wanting to read all the through even though it is gut wrenching. This passage from the story contributes to the meaning of the story by putting up the physiological memories that O’Brien went through. He felt regret, and he was ashamed.

Some interesting quotes from O'brien